Saturday, August 22, 2009

Get ready to laugh

Is that the worst 'blog title' ever?  You'd think someone starting a blog titled "Funny Stuff" would be a little more creative. I know.  I'm Mr."Funny Stuff" and, if nothing else, I think it probably sounds a bit presumptuous. Believe me, I understand.  And no comedian I've ever seen has started his/her act by saying "Get ready to laugh."  They might as well say: "I'm not funny and I don't have a clue about how to make you laugh..."

But , as I'm about to prove once and for all, I'm no comedian and before you do think I'm one of THOSE, let me explain the genesis of all this.  This blog isn't an homage to stand-up comedy.  It's (hopefully) a tribute to someone I recently discovered was VERY funny: Julia Child!  That's right, we went to see her movie thinking "...oh, boy, some real food porn..." and ended up laughing (out loud - when was the last time you did that at a movie?)for 2+ hours.   Julia Child was a FUNNY person who loved life, loved people, loved to laugh and also happened to be a great cook! There are also little nods to Andy Rooney, Gail Collins and even the great Dave Barry (sorry, Dave).

Being in the food business, I thought about writing some form of food blog.  But does cyberspace really need the 567,148th person writing something else about who-knows-what food and how it's "good for you" or "bad for you" and "...this sauce or that sauce, blah, blah, blah, blah"?  I don't think so. 

On the other hand, laughter's a very precious commodity these days.  Just ask (or watch) the people who've attended those town halls we've been watching on TV. Or catch an episode of "Maury." Not many 'low blood pressure' people - or laughs - in those crowds.  Paternity suits and screaming about Hitler?  Yes!  Laughing? No, not really.

I'd like to, in some small way, change that. In fact, scientists have concluded that laughter existed over 10 million years ago.  Long before food as we know it - or the Carnegie Deli - even existed.  Just ask Carl Reiner or Mel Brooks (they were there, no?). So, laughter trumps food - age before beauty, so to speak.

Finally, since laughter is a favorite activity of mine it won't matter if anyone ever reads this blog
(Anyone think that's possible?  Please write and I'll stop now!).  No, not really, because  if nothing else, I'll enjoy a laugh every day.

Well, that's the plan. So, if you'll indulge me, rather than try and duplicate Julia Child's five hundred and forty-something recipes like what's-her-name did, I'm going to simply try to point out a funny "tidbit or two" every day for a year. A quick, humorous, daily look at the human condition.  Nothing mean and certainly nothing  stupid like: "A Priest, a Rabbi and a Minister walk into a bar..."  Oh, you've heard that one? See, we don't need any more of those (but, if it helps, pass this on to the guy who sits in the next cubicle in your office - maybe he'll get that message too!).

But I digress....finally, if I write something you think is funny, please let me know.  And feel free to add something you think is funny, too.  Remember the old Coke commercial (I'd like to teach the world to sing....")?  If you do, you'll have a sense of where I'm headed with this.  I'd like to teach the world to laugh (more) every day. Think of this as the ultimate existential vitamin, if you will.  How bad could that be?  Don't ask....

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