Saturday, September 12, 2009

Old Yeller

Wonder what Congressman Joe Wilson yelled out when he heard about Caster Semenya's private parts? 
(Note to Joe:  Statistically speaking, one in every 2000 people are born hermaphrodites, which means you represent about 350 in your district.  Better watch what you say about that 'cause I have a hunch your next election's gonna be real close.)

Or when he heard the Governor of his state was hiking in the who-knows-what Mountains?

And for anyone who agrees with what he yelled at the President (yes, some would say "heckled," in which case Obama should have just sent drinks to his table.) the other night, would you kindly send me a transcript of Mr. Wilson's "shout outs" after he heard the following:

" We found the weapons of mass destruction..." 


"The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium..." 


"Read my lips - no new taxes."


We did not- repeat, did not - trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we."


"I'm not a crook!"

Of course, maybe Wilson was just groovin' to his (hidden) IPod as Reba sang "You Lie" - and "spontaneously" decided to go "karaoke" on Obama.

Or maybe not.  See, he and his family are recipients of (are you sitting down?) government run health care.  Take a look:   Once again, the hypocrisy's so thick, you could cut it with a knife.  Government-run, single payer healthcare is good for him (and his family); bad for us.

Hey, Joe, " I love you, I'll respect you in the morning and the checks in the mail."

Ironically, I have a hunch Joe - who's living a very charmed life - may just believe that's true.

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